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Transition Information

If your child attends Oasis prior to starting our school, there will be many opportunities involving both Oasis and School staff which will take part in both settings to help ensure children are already becoming comfortable with the school environment before joining in September. If you child is not attending Oasis, then please contact the school and we will arrange for your child to be part of the transition sessions.

To find out about Oasis Childcare Centre and the service that they provide, click here:

Transition from year to year:

Before the end of each academic year, children will spend time in their future class to get to know the teacher and support staff they will be working with the following year. During these sessions, children will discuss their interests as well as what they are looking forward to and concerned about. The staff team will then use and act upon this information to ensure each child finds the transition as smooth as possible.

Transition to Secondary:

Transition from Primary education into Secondary education involves some big decisions for pupils and parents. During their time in Y5 and Y6, children will get the opportunity to spend time in our local secondary schools through outreach projects and transition days. We have listed the local Secondary schools to help you come to your decision…

Some of our Local Secondarys:

Mounts Bay AcademyHumphry Davy SchoolHayle SchoolCape Cornwall School.

Website by nutechsw

Ludgvan Academy, Lower-Quarter, Ludgvan, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8EX : 01736 740408

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