Ludgvan SEN Report
Please click the link below to view our latest SEN Report
We promote high standards in education for all our pupils in the school, including those who require support during their time with us. We aim for early identification of need, including the focused intervention on a one to one or small group basis but endeavour to integrate children as much as possible. We encourage a caring attitude in all our pupils, valuing each other as special, with unique gifts.
When children require Individual Education Plans, a team of Staff, Parents and Carers and outside agencies work together for the benefit of each child. At Ludgvan we call these their Pupil Passports
The school’s Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator (or SENDCo) is Miss Michelle Brant, is available by appointment and is more than happy to meet with parents. Simply call our school office on 01736 740408 to make an appointment or email her on
Our SEN Governor is Mrs Janet Pascoe and our Safeguarding Governor is Mrs Emily Kent, both can be contacted via the school office.
Our school is equipped with outdoor ramps for wheelchair use and stair lift for wheelchair use in the main corridor.
Dyslexia Screening Tests:
We have staff trained to undertake dyslexia screening in school. Following discussions with yourselves, we are able to assess your child and meet with you to discuss the outcomes.