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School Development Priorities

Every year, the SLT and Local Academy Committee (Governing body) meet to discuss school priorities for the year. In putting this together the team considers wide ranging evidence and opinions, including ...

- wide ranging data (academic / attendance),

- stakeholder opinions (pupil, staff and parent questionnaires),

- school self-evaluation findings,

- external quality assurance from educational experts,

- quality assurance from our Trust partners - Leading Edge Academies Partnership

- Trust strategic planning

- Our school values - Excellence, Evolution and Equity

- National trends and educational developments


Our ​Values drive development


As a school, and part of Leading Edge Academies Partnership, we are totally committed to the school's EVOLUTION - growing and improving the provision we offer our children. Our continual school improvement cycle (Plan / Do / Review) is designed to promote EXCELLENCE in all we do and all we offer, while supporting and promoting every child and family in whatever ways they require to fully engage and thrive with our school community - EQUITY.  Our Partnership with Leading Edge Academies provides a vital and very much appreciated additional layer of school improvement accountability measure and support to ensure we are inspiring the children of Ludgvan to always:


Ludgvan School Priorities 2024-2025:

  • PRIORITY 1: Deliver a school wide Cultural Reset

  • PRIORITY 2: Ensuring our core curriculum is ambitious for all: designed to give all pupils – particularly the disadvantaged – the knowledge and cultural capital to consistently achieve highly - Closing the vulnerable pupil ‘gaps’: progress, attainment, attendance

  • PRIORITY 3: Refine our strategic,  whole school approach to Personal Development at Ludgvan School

Website by nutechsw

Ludgvan Academy, Lower-Quarter, Ludgvan, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8EX : 01736 740408

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