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Ludgvan eSafety

Please use this page to become more informed about how you can help your child surf the net and face new technology SAFELY.

Advice and Support for Parents


Parental Controls and Content Filtering on their home internet.

We encourage parents and staff to use filtering at home.

To learn how to do this for the major providers of internet please click the link below:

Setting up internet filtering and parental controls at home


Social networking

Social Networks can be a worry for parents. We suggest parents visit the website link below for up to date information on Facebook privacy settings, as whilst we know that no children under the age of 13 should have a Facebook account, if they are able to access the site we feel its best we educate them to ensure they use it safely.

Facebook privacy and anti-bullying information


For more information on other areas of eSafety then please visit the following websites: . Within this website, there is a section for young people, as well as parents and carers.


In addition, there are child friendly websites  which contain a series of puzzles and games that give important messages about how to use computers and the Internet safely:

KS1 – Hector’s World:

KS2 – Think – U- Know:

Age & PEGI rating advice for Films and games

For reviews and age-ratings of games, videos, films, television, books and apps:

Other usefull websites for parents:

Vodafone's Digital Parenting Magazine 

Looking for a way to start that all-important conversation about social media, gaming and other online activities with your son or daughter? Check out the latest issue of Digital Parenting magazine now.


Expert information to help children and young people stay safe online​


!! If you are aware of any bullying that is happening or you would like to report any type of cyber-buylling that has happened to you -  please use the CEOP button that can be found  on the home page of our website !!

Website by nutechsw

Ludgvan Academy, Lower-Quarter, Ludgvan, Penzance, Cornwall, TR20 8EX : 01736 740408

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